I am really loving all the responses I have received for this "Where We Blog" series!
Not only is it fun to get a peek into where you blog, but it has introduced me to some wonderful NEW people and blogs to follow. Please send me yours if you have not done so already! This is the sixth round of "Where We Blog" series with some really cool spaces.
Be sure to check them out!
where we blog
Heather from Falls Design
where we blog
Sherri from Inside Out Design
where we blog
Victoria Caqueo all the way from Chile
View more here, here, here, here, and here!
Please submit your "home office" or "favorite cozy spot to blog" by
e-mailing your photo to laura.trevey@gmail.com

Beautiful Home Living - Pegboards and Bulletin Boards

** Enter the current giveaway - Cool Wall Decals for your room!

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