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I'm declaring 2010 the year of the bird. Ok, fair enough, when have birds ever NOT been trendy in the design world? This year, however, I think we're going to see a lot more birds of the clunky, quirky variety. No more cutesy robins and nightingales -- I'm thinking haunting owls, cranes, wobbling ducks, hawks, and big fat chickens. I like to think of them as birds with personality.

My favorite source for affordable, stunning bird photography (and lots of other animals, if you're so inclined) is Sharon Montrose, a California-based photographer who's received lots of recognition in the blogosphere, especially for this picture.

I own the owl photo pictured at top, and out of everything in my gallery wall, it is consistently the most commented on. Sharon's work is so surreal that everyone thinks that it's a drawing instead of an actual photograph. I love how the clean white background really puts the focus on the aesthetics of each bird-- from the muted colors, patterns and texture of their feathers to their bumpy, bright beaks and feet. Check out more of Sharon's stuff in her Etsy shop here.
