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Happy New Year! Wishing you a healthy, safe and beautifully furnished New Year!

Speaking of the New Year, according to the Chinese Horoscope, this is the year of the White Metal Tiger, and the best metal for this animal is thoughtful to be silver. Decorating with contemporary furniture using the color silver or actual metals is glamorous, recent and most importantly, should bring good phenomenon in the New Year. Here are our decade picks.

Selex Rex Platform Bed by Milmueble

Amalgamating foreign espresso wenge wood with ultra recent unsullied poise accents, Selex Rex recent platform bed brings a certain take of eccentricity to the recent room through its asymmetric design, illumination fixtures and the astonishing ingest of unsullied poise – a finish most commonly used and associated with the kitchen. Outside of having an optional under-the-bed storage, Selex Rex may be complimented by a matching dresser, chest, story mirror and a variety of wardrobes.

2010 – The Year of the White Tiger and Modern Interior Design

Selex Rex Platform Bed by Milmueble
