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Overcoming interference in time make

Don't ask what kind of tips is this. Please read and you will find this was great article to help while you making love. Not making love with cewek bispak or tante bugil. You just making love with your wife not with tante girang sexy. Interference-ganguan that appear when exposed intimate sometimes reduce the enjoyment and satisfaction that is expected by both parties pleasure and satisfaction that are sometimes lost in banggun because of small disturbances, which should be in atasi or previously anticipated. Interference arising actual fair-fair course is not possible as long as the activity and sexual pleasure itself.

Below are some tips and tricks to overcome the interference that may arise when you make sexual activity with your partner.

Early satisfaction

Many women who complain that the (mostly) men at the time of heating is not sabaran and want to rush to "game" the core. This of course causes frustration on the women because men more quickly achieve satisfaction while women have not felt anything. To atasinya, if you are male couples want to trigger appetite immediately ask for the core games to be patient with her breath briefly interesting. Or you say, with fair that you do not want to do it quick because you want to pay first longer with your husband before the primary intimate relationship.

Bau Bau mouth and BADAN

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Often when exposed to less intimate the time and can be controlled at any time, hygiene factors are not to be awake. Dalama situation such as this factor is usually the body odor and mouth odor can show you two possible events. For that both of you should always keep the mouth and your body each. Polish the teeth before and after sleep are highly recommended, if necessary use mouthwash also available at drug stores. Biasakan may also sebersih bath .. Biasakan also wear perfume all the time so that "BB" does not disrupt your activity.

Scared TO gaze MATA

In fact there are many husband-wife pair who have been living together, although for many years and even a dozen years, are timid when naked in front of the spouses. And even though thousands of words have been in love chute repeatedly, but when completed related shame is intimate and less confident when the pair saw a naked body. In fact padangan spouse may mean that he praised the center and enjoy the beauty of her body. Also when exposed intimate, not the red-faced if you pair up your eyes, looked at each other, even intimate touch to add intimacy and pleasure that is felt with the middle and can add intimacy.

Excessive perspiration

After a sometimes intimate touch keringan out too much over the body, it is very reasonable because the issue related sexual energy as well as sport. But if the heat is too excessive at times also make risih especially when paired with the BB is not tasty. To overcome the cold bed linen use, made of cotton or other materials that are easy to absorb sweat. Or if you have room facilities to its AC or fan, let stay on while you beraktivitas sex with the pair.

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In addition to interference-interference in atsa may gannguan many others that can reduce your sexual passion. It is best to discuss with your partner and openness in communication and need to overcome the interference problem.
