Great Things About Mission Furniture

Mission style furniture is gaining more popularity nowadays Though it is always mistaken as the more contemporary style, mission furniture has a history dated back to the 19th century.

Joseph McHugh was the first one to coin the term mission style to describe a line of furniture with a characteristic clean rural style back in 1895. Mission style furniture were the first creation from the Arts and Crafts movement, a movement that addresses the call for uniqueness, craftsmanship and creativity that seemingly got undermined by the industrial revolution. During the industrial revolution, many goods were mass produced and so the artistic sides of creating products were not that emphasized anymore. The originality and unique designs were lost when everything can be produced by machines. Mission style furniture was statement pieces that were designed distinct from urban designs that were mass produced. Their clean, rustic style was the key characteristics of mission style furniture. The simplicity of these pieces of furniture gave the artistic flair to any room in the home. The designs, however simple are intricately made.

As you can see, mission style furniture are very similar to the contemporary, thus it is quite difficult to differentiate them. Many mistake mission style furniture for more contemporary designs and themes. But mission furniture can be easily recognized via the details that the furniture possesses. Most mission style furniture are characterized by simple designs that contain mostly flat lines and slats that contain no soft frills and curves. The legs of the furniture are usually straight and supported by beams or stretchers.

Mission furniture could be a good choice of design for various kinds of furniture for your home. Furniture of this style is most forgiving because they are very simple yet very artful. However simple and uncomplicated, they still contribute much to aesthetics. What's good about mission furniture is the fact that they are still artistic but they give this vibe without going overboard. Generally, mission style furniture are considered the most versatile design you can go for, it will never go wrong when come to matching with other designs or styles.

Its good to have mission furniture anywhere in your home, but one particular place could use the good, simple vibe that mission furniture can exude. One of the particularly good places to have mission style furniture around is your bedroom; bedroom furniture is a fine reporesentation of the mission aesthetic. With all the mission style furniture such as bed, cabinets, drawers all around, it will hard for you not to relax or fall asleep when you are in your bedroom. The bottom line is that nature design of mission style furniture allows one to fuss-free when come to finding matching furniture with the existing design of your room or home.

As for functionality and comfort, mission style furniture does not sacrifice any of these elements. Simple doesn't mean uncomfortable and dysfunctional. Mission style beds are most comfortable. Most mission style beds are big and spacious and contain no unnecessary details that many could find superfluous for a bed. Many of the cabinets and closets that have the mission design are very streamlined yet spacious and functional. Bedside tables and dining room tables are similarly purposeful. Another good thing about mission furniture is that, they are made out of solid hardwood, making it last for decades to come. Typically, mission style furniture can last at least more than 10 years or more.

The vibe of the mission style does not only apply to bedroom furniture, but also in small articles that are placed in the room. For example, mission style wooden chests are designed in mission style tends to give out more mysterious vibe. The simple design caused people who see it to be more curious what is inside of the wooden chest. In that sense, we can see that mission style furniture does not compromise one's function but compliment it. The simple design assures that the functionality is not hampered by its design. As with other mission style furniture, quality and strength is assured. Hardwood chests with the mission style are sure to last you a lifetime.

You can find his favorite dining room furniture.

Collection of Bedroom Furniture.