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Henry Leutwyler

Henry Leutwyler has carved a niche in the photography world by delving closely, deeply, and personally into the lives of our times through the power of his images. From his iconic still life of the gun that assassinated John Lennon, to the 2008 “Magazine Cover of the Year” honors for his New York magazine portrait of Elliot Spitzer - Leutwyler has defined himself as an artist who drills into the soul of his subjects.

Henry Leutwylerʼs meticulous eye for nuanced detail has revealed the unspoken interiors of such figures as Michelle Obama, Karl Rove, Julia Roberts, Tom Wolfe, Cate Blanchett, Beyonce Knowles, Nathan Lane, Rhianna, Martin Scorsese, and Spike Lee. His recent work has been featured in numerous publications including The New York Times Magazine, Portfolio, Esquire, Vanity Fair, Vogue, The New Yorker and Time. His photography, inspired by intimate working relationships with his subjects, has been an integral force behind the narrative of such books as Flavor by Rocco Dispirito, Living Beauty by Bobbi Brown, and Elvis by the Presleys.
Beyond his craftsmanship with the human mystique, Mr. Leutwyler brings a forensic intensity to his creation of a unique collection of still lifes that chart a cultural timeline of the modern world. Jimi Hendixʼs guitar. Michael Jacksonʼs white glove. Andy Warholʼs paintbrush. The pistol that killed Lee Harvey Oswald. Alfred Hitchcockʼs passport, the glasses of John Lennon and the harmonica of Bob Dylan. From the legendary to the sublime, Henry Leutwylerʼs vast catalogue of history-influencing images comprise a roadmap of the late 20th century, captured with a stark reality that begs the viewer to create their own interpretation.
Mr. Leutwylerʼs humble beginnings led him from shooting “cheese, chocolates and watches” as a youth in Switzerland to a street-wise education soaking up color and culture from around the world. He journeyed through Africa, Asia and the Middle East - ultimately landing in Paris for ten years where he documented the human form, travelled extensively with the Ballet Bejart Dance Company.
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