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Mel Kerch

Mel Karch was born and raised in Germany and studied art and graphic design in Paris.

Her first steps into photography were in 1999, with a black and white reportage on the Kings of the Ivory Coast, Africa where she developed her passion for photography.

In 2002 Mel Karch moved to Paris to assist diverse photographers such as Annie Leibowitz and Marc Sellinger before beginning her own career in fashion photography in 2004.

After winning the 2004 FUJI prize for Young Fashion Photographers in Paris, followed by a prize of the Canon Award in Germany, she gained exposure with the success of two exhibitions of her private work.
Mel Karch has recently been working with clients such as D la Repubblica, Commons & Sense, Italian Marie Claire, US Marie Claire, Kenzo, Blender, Cookie, Men’s Vogue US and The New York Times and is currently based in Paris.

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