We usually spend a month each summer in South Padre Island.  No, it’s not fancy – at all, it’s totally laid-back and we have lots of fun with good friends from college.  I’ve been going to South Padre for most of my life and haven’t missed many summers there.  I think Ben and I have missed only two or three summers that I can remember, due to weather usually.  But this summer with my daughter getting ready to leave for college, we thought we should stay closer to home.    So, here we are in Galveston Texas, with all the beautiful old Live Oak trees cut down from Hurricane Ike.  It looks like a different island now – so bare!   At least we were able to rent a really beautiful condo in a brand new building that we got for a steal.  I keep waiting for them to tell me they quoted us the wrong price.  Shhh!   The brand new condo is actually nicer than my house with limestone floors, granite kitchens and bathrooms and frameless shower stalls – luxuries I am not used to!    Being just 50 miles from Houston, Ben can commute to and from work with ease and Elisabeth has been bringing friends down.   But, the beaches are really quiet here and it’s just not “home” like South Padre is.    It’s hotter here than there for some reason, even the water is much warmer than SPI which can be cold sometimes!    It’s been really relaxing and peaceful and I’m trying to catch up on all my old emails.    Which leads me to my point.    While I’m in Galveston – trying to pretend it’s South Padre where I pretend it’s the South of France, I get this email from a reader about a rental apartment in Paris.  Oh My God!  Why do people want to torment me?   Just when I’m thinking how thankful I am to vacation on Galveston Island, I have to see THIS apartment in Paris??????  



image The Paris rental apartment is owned and was decorated by an interior designer.  Look how she dressed the santos in a cute burlap skirt.


The Paris apartment, located in an historic building in one of the better areas, the Place des Vosges, was totally redone this past year, decorated all in painted woods and creamy upholstery.  It looks like a showroom for Blanc d’Ivoire.  Of course it is owned by an interior decorator and it shows.   So many of the rentals in France are just not nearly this cute.   It’s been totally updated and even has a flat screen.   All I can think of is why am I in Galveston when I could be HERE???????




The main living room features restored hardwood floors and a beamed ceiling.   There are two sitting areas along with a zinc topped dining table surrounded by painted French chairs.  Too cute!!!  Notice the child’s dining chair on the far right. 





The main living area again with a painted antique daybed that faces the fireplace.    Besides a flat screen TV with satellite, there is wireless internet, a safe, and an ice machine.  The kitchen is through the opening in the center.




image Vignette across from the dining room table.  I love the old station clock.  You can really tell an interior designer owns this apartment, it’s styled within an inch of its life!





The kitchen has been totally redone and has a charming window which overlooks an interior courtyard.   There is even a washing machine in this compact kitchen.  The master bedroom is through the door, and the second bedroom is reached through the master bedroom.  All these rooms surround an indoor courtyard. 


image The painted dresser in the kitchen holds all the plates and mugs.  



image One of the bathrooms which overlooks the courtyard has been designed with the same elements as the kitchen for visual cohesiveness.



image The master bedroom has a pretty antique iron bed.    I love the blue walls and embroidered bedding.  Cute lamps and a beautiful, huge mirror.



image The master bedroom and the second bedroom overlook an interior courtyard.  Notice that the shutters are actually just painted tin.





image This must be in the second bedroom – the flooring is different.   I love the plants in their burlap sacks.  The books and candlesticks are antique and this entire vignette is so romantic!!!


This Paris rental is on the second floor and has 2 bedrooms and bathrooms.  It is $2000/week during high season.  No pets and no smoking and small children not advised due to the antiques and light fabrics!!    To visit the web site, go HERE.      If you go, or if you have stayed here, please let me know how it was!!!!
