moss080519_1_560 The gorgeous back terrace at Charlotte Moss’ NYC apartment.  Look at that lantern!  And the fireplace!  And the dog!


Just a reminder – Charlotte Moss visited the Skirted Roundtable last week.  The three of us recorded a new show tonight and I just wanted to let you all know you can still catch the Moss interview HERE in case you missed it.  In fact, all of our past shows are still available at the Skirted Roundtable blog AND on I-Tunes.   As the weeks since the launch of the Skirted Roundtable have added up, so have the shows, of course – and there is a wide range of topics covered.     One day I went back and listened to a few of the old recordings and they sounded fresh to me – so much time had passed by, I could barely remember recording them. 



my-paris-1-F05-fb Miss Moss shopping in Europe.  How chic is she!?!!



 The salon in her NYC townhouse.  I think this is my favorite room in her house.  I love the pinks and greens – the painted consoles are to die for!  In the interview, Charlotte more or less admitted she was not going to be changing her decor to the ultra trendy Belgian design any time soon.  That really wasn’t surprising to hear!

Photo courtesy of


The Skirted Roundtable Charlotte Moss interview, HERE.


As always, thank you so much for listening!!  We can’t tell you how much your support means to all three of us – and I say that from the bottom of my heart.    The new show recorded tonight should be up in just a day or two.
